They really work hard for your loan to run smoothly as possible

Mike Mange and his team were fantastic and wonderful to work with. Had our backs 100% of the way. Will recommend VU to my brother, who’s also a veteran, and my veterans friends.

Veterans United made buying a home possible for myself, as a veteran I feel blessed to have them on my side.

Veteran’s United was a wonderful company to work with. They gave personalized attention and made you feel well cared for. We highly recommend this Company!

Would definitely recommend working with VU. Everyone was very helpful and supportive throughout the whole process.

I have never met a team more dedicated to get me into a new home!

Overall I am thrilled to have had the assistance of Veterans United. I learned so much about home mortgage refinancing.

You will not go wrong with these folks. Your needs are always at the front of the line. An arduous time consuming process made easy by the Veterans team.

Great overall experience, never felt left in the dark, whole process was very timely

Jaclyn Shaw was awesome as well.

Ready to see for yourself?
Experience first-hand why 325,455 homeowners give us a perfect score!
There are many helpful videos and documents that explain how different areas of the loan process work, like closing, underwriting etc., and many other resources that help you get your questions answered along the way.

Great service, professional representatives, and extremely helpful with my long-distance move.

The best thing about this was the communication. If I had questions I could call and my loan team actually answered the phone. If they didn’t answer they would call you right back. I knew exactly where I was during the application process from day one until the approval. This resulted in less stress and faster approval time.